Do you want to be confirmed in how the Lord is still working today? We saw God do amazing miracles on seven sites during the 2017 ARMS trip to the Philippines. Over 80 people from Okinawa (Japan), America, Australia and Singapore ministered to the Filipino people in Evangelism, Vitals, Triage, Medical, Dental, and Prayer & Healing. We served a total of 4,986 people. Of them 3,757 people were given medical attention and/or minor surgeries, 1,098 people were given dental attention and 3,145 made a decision to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. We prayed for thousands of people to receive healing.

It was so amazing to see so many people be healed. There were healings from asthma, high blood pressure, arthritis, nausea, headaches and back pain. There were many who had their hearing and eyesight restored and blurred vision cleared. There was one girl who came in unable to hear and speak (mute), so sign language was done to understand her prayer request. After praying over her throat, she was able to speak! Sign language was no longer needed. Praise be to God!

We drove about an hour to get to the first site. In the medical station alone we saw over 400 people. There were long lines of people waiting for many hours. They were so thankful and kept smiling. We did seven surgeries consisting of sebaceous cysts, lipoma cysts and large skin tags. There were people seen by the doctors with issues like tuberculosis, flu, high blood pressure, asthma, cough/colds, irregular heartbeat, strep throat, bleeding ulcers and infected wounds.

At the 2nd site we saw 615 people in medical and performed eight surgeries and many procedures. I was in medical and one of the patients I served was a fourteen year old girl who had a ring on her finger that was too small and had been stuck there for two months. The skin was cut, swollen and completely infected at the ring site. Because of the severity of the laceration and infection we could not remove it but dental did with their tools. Then she came back to medical and I soaked and dressed it. She was so thankful to have it removed. The doctors told me later that if it had not been removed, she would have lost her finger because of the severity of its condition.

At the 3rd site medical was quite busy with seventeen surgeries. There were thirteen circumcisions alone plus other surgeries. A Filipino doctor shared with me that if the boys do not get circumcised, there is a lot if bullying that happens. So, it was nice to help these 8-15 year old boys with a procedure that not only helps them to reduce chances of infection but also helps them socially to be accepted.

During the entire mission trip, it was wonderful to see healing spiritually, emotionally and physically. The smiles were irreplaceable and the thankfulness was unforgettable.

“It is more blessed to give than to receive”.

April 2017, Michelle McKenzie